Posts in Everyday Wellness
Bettering Your Health Through Forest Bathing

Connecting with our environment goes by many different names, but science can agree that it is an essential part of our health. The Japanese practice of forest bathing, also known as shinrin-yoku, has many different health benefits. Not only does it support cardiovascular health and blood sugar regulation, but it also supports the immune and nervous systems.

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Flower Essences for Your Emotional Health

Flower essences are a form of energetic medicine, much like acupuncture, the chakras and homeopathy. Flower essences often find their way into my treatment plans because so often our emotional health is left out of the conversation. These plant remedies are a profound and gentle way to care for your own emotional health.

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How Gardening Benefits Your Body, Mind & Soul

In our modern world, many of us suffer from a “nature deficit”. We need to get out in nature more to support our mental and physical health! Gardening is just one of those ways to support our mind, body, and soul.

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Supporting Our Oceans Through Food

The Gulf of Maine is being affected by climate change at 3x the rate of the global average. Despite all of our conservation and environmental efforts, we are being affected due to the currents. Our oceans are becoming warmer and more acidic. But there are ways that we can fight climate change and reduce these effects, just by eating to support the oceans.

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Living In Sync With Your Cycle

The concept of cycle syncing may sound new, but really it has been around for millennia. Over the course of one month, our hormones fluctuate, and those fluctuations affect us in many different ways, from endurance to productivity. When we tap into our flow, we are able to best support our body.

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Shining Light on Your Winter Blues

As Winter sets in, not only do we notice shorter days and colder temperatures, but many of us notice a change in mood. For some, this shift is the winter blues, but for others, it may be a significant seasonal depression known as Seasonal Affective Disorder. There is a lot that can be done to support your mental and emotional health during the Winter, ranging from Vitamin D supplementation to Bright Light Therapy.

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