Posts tagged mental health
Soft Self Care: How Morning Sunlight Changes Your Body

Soft self care is a concept that I have been embracing a lot over these last few months when life has felt especially complicated and challenging. One of the most simple and transformative self care practices we can do is morning sunlight exposure. It seems simple but it affects our circadian rhythm, sleep quality, mood, mental clarity, and stress.

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Cultivating Mindful Self Compassion

If we have learned anything over the past few years, it is that we need to take time to care for ourselves. Of course this includes taking time for our favorite self-care activities, but it also encompasses speaking kindly to ourselves. Long walks and bubble baths can be wonderful, but they mean nothing if we are criticizing ourselves shortly after. This is where self compassion comes in.

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Bettering Your Health Through Forest Bathing

Connecting with our environment goes by many different names, but science can agree that it is an essential part of our health. The Japanese practice of forest bathing, also known as shinrin-yoku, has many different health benefits. Not only does it support cardiovascular health and blood sugar regulation, but it also supports the immune and nervous systems.

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Flower Essences for Your Emotional Health

Flower essences are a form of energetic medicine, much like acupuncture, the chakras and homeopathy. Flower essences often find their way into my treatment plans because so often our emotional health is left out of the conversation. These plant remedies are a profound and gentle way to care for your own emotional health.

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The Impact of Mental Health on Digestion

Have you ever been anxious, nervous or stressed out and noticed your digestive system acting up? Our mental and emotional health is tightly connected to our digestive health. Supporting your mental health is an important piece of the puzzle when treating digestive concerns like IBS.

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