Posts in Everyday Wellness
Soft Self Care: How Morning Sunlight Changes Your Body

Soft self care is a concept that I have been embracing a lot over these last few months when life has felt especially complicated and challenging. One of the most simple and transformative self care practices we can do is morning sunlight exposure. It seems simple but it affects our circadian rhythm, sleep quality, mood, mental clarity, and stress.

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A Functional Approach to Gut Dysfunction & IBS

The topic of gut health can sometimes feel like a buzzword, but the reality is that so many of us are dealing with chronic digestive issues. It can look different for everyone, but any combination of frequent constipation, diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, and bloating is a sign from our bodies that there is dysfunction. After a full workup with a gastroenterologist sometimes we are left with more questions than answers. That is where an functional approach to gut dysfunction can be essential.

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Leaning Into Seasonal & Intuitive Nutrition

Sometimes it can be easy to forget that everything in nature is cyclical. The tides ebb and flow, the moon waxes and wanes, and the seasons shift. We, as people, are not immune to these changes. Even though we live modern lives, our bodies are affected by these natural rhythms in many ways. When it comes to cyclical nutrition, all it takes is noticing your environment, trusting your body, and embracing your traditions.

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Healing Burnout & Chronic Stress

If we’ve learned anything over the last few years, it is that burnout is very real. We all experience burnout a little differently. For some it is physical, and for others it is mental and emotional. What remains the same for everyone is this feeling of reaching our threshold, where our stress response is maxed out. Chronic stress has a big impact on our bodies, but the good news is that there are ways to support the body to heal from burnout.

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Wellness Book Club: The Joy of Movement

Movement is a foundational aspect of health. We all recognize and feel the physical and mental benefits of movement, often attributing it to endorphins. Kelly McGonigal writes all about the mental aspect of physical activity in her book The Joy of Movement. This book is a fascinating read, filled with the latest research that you can bring into your daily life whether you have an ongoing movement practice or are still redefining what joyful movement means to you.

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Supplements to Prepare for Pregnancy

Preparing for pregnancy and conception can be exciting, nerve wracking, and stressful. The aisles of your grocery store are packed with different brands containing different dosages, making it difficult to decide which is best. So let’s dive into what nutrients to look for when choosing your prenatal vitamin, as well as other supplements that provide the necessary support for pregnancy.

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Lubricants and Their Effect on Vaginal Health

One part of healthcare that often falls short is sexual health. We get tested for STIs, but sometimes that is the full extent of it. Sex can be taboo and uncomfortable to talk about, which can leave us in the dark. Chronic or lingering vaginal pain and discomfort is common, and there can be many different things going on varying from hormonal to infectious. Personal lubricants are often overlooked, but they too can contribute to vaginal discomfort and pain. You want to feel your best, but first you need to know what to look for and what to avoid.

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Cultivating Mindful Self Compassion

If we have learned anything over the past few years, it is that we need to take time to care for ourselves. Of course this includes taking time for our favorite self-care activities, but it also encompasses speaking kindly to ourselves. Long walks and bubble baths can be wonderful, but they mean nothing if we are criticizing ourselves shortly after. This is where self compassion comes in.

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Fire Cider for Winter Wellness

Each November, as we ease into Winter, I prep a batch of homemade fire cider for my family. While you can typically find pre-made fire cider, it is such an easy and fun recipe to make yourself. This spicy vinegar infusion supports the immune system, stimulates digestion, and clears congestion. It is a great thing to keep on hand this winter.

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