Posts in Fertility
A Raw & Real Look at Infertility

Infertility affects one in six couples. Similar to pregnancy loss, it is one of those things that we don’t talk enough about. Instead, we just experience it alone. We draw away from people and isolate ourselves. There is a part of me that questions sharing. But then again, there is a part of me that wants to share my experience, screaming it from the rooftops to normalize it, so that others feel less alone. The more I’ve shared personally, the more I’ve seen other women experiencing the same thing. So here we are, I am ready to share my infertility story.

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Importance of Semen Analysis in a World of Declining Sperm Counts

Difficulty conceiving is a growing concern among couples and individuals these days. In my practice, many of my female patients inquire about their hormones in order to optimize fertility. This is such an important step before trying to conceive, but often the forgotten step is looking into male fertility even though we know that the sperm is 50% of the equation! Studies show that sperm quality and quantity are plummeting at a staggering rate, which is why we should be testing sperm early in the preconception process.

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Embracing the Preconception Period and Optimizing Fertility

Making the decision to expand your family is exciting! The preconception period is a special time to focus on yourself in order to optimize sperm and egg quality, support ovulation, and promote growth and development. Every individual and couple is different, but these are just some of the ways to support the preconception period through gentle nutrition, cycle timing, and targeted supplementation.

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Supplements to Prepare for Pregnancy

Preparing for pregnancy and conception can be exciting, nerve wracking, and stressful. The aisles of your grocery store are packed with different brands containing different dosages, making it difficult to decide which is best. So let’s dive into what nutrients to look for when choosing your prenatal vitamin, as well as other supplements that provide the necessary support for pregnancy.

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Lubricants and Their Effect on Vaginal Health

One part of healthcare that often falls short is sexual health. We get tested for STIs, but sometimes that is the full extent of it. Sex can be taboo and uncomfortable to talk about, which can leave us in the dark. Chronic or lingering vaginal pain and discomfort is common, and there can be many different things going on varying from hormonal to infectious. Personal lubricants are often overlooked, but they too can contribute to vaginal discomfort and pain. You want to feel your best, but first you need to know what to look for and what to avoid.

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Supporting Your Hormones Post Birth Control Pill

There are many different reasons why an individual may choose to start hormonal birth control pills. Many people transition very easily off of the pill. In other cases, people experience a major resurgence of hormonal symptoms. This is what many refer to as Post-Pill Syndrome.

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The Seriousness of Missing & Irregular Periods

Our menstrual cycles are a window into our health, and they can be the first thing to go when we are having health issues. Whether your periods are missing completely or a little irregular, they deserve attention. One very common cause is functional hypothalamic amenorrhea.

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Living In Sync With Your Cycle

The concept of cycle syncing may sound new, but really it has been around for millennia. Over the course of one month, our hormones fluctuate, and those fluctuations affect us in many different ways, from endurance to productivity. When we tap into our flow, we are able to best support our body.

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Treating The Root Cause of PCOS

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, or PCOS, is one of the most common health conditions in women of reproductive age. It is often recognized for its effect on fertility, but this syndrome can cause a plethora of symptoms ranging from acne and weight gain to irregular cycles and excessive hair growth. The key to feeling better is identifying and treating the root cause!

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