Posts in Menstrual Health
Embracing the Preconception Period and Optimizing Fertility

Making the decision to expand your family is exciting! The preconception period is a special time to focus on yourself in order to optimize sperm and egg quality, support ovulation, and promote growth and development. Every individual and couple is different, but these are just some of the ways to support the preconception period through gentle nutrition, cycle timing, and targeted supplementation.

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The Root Cause of Hair Loss

Hair loss and hair thinning can be one of the most personal and distressing health concerns among those in my office. For many of us, hair represents femininity. Although we may not notice it, we may even hold our own inherent biases about “lush” and “beautiful” hair. This is all to say that hair is often at the core of our identity. It is how we express ourselves. And hair loss can disrupt that.

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An Integrative Approach to Acne

If you’ve ever dealt with skin issues, then you are surely familiar with the frustration and upset that typically follows. Our minds often become burdened with thoughts surrounding the state of our skin. Not only that, but we are also left questioning why is this happening. Acne is not as simple as a bacterial issue. Acne can be caused by many different things, which is why it is important to take an integrative approach.

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Supporting Your Hormones Post Birth Control Pill

There are many different reasons why an individual may choose to start hormonal birth control pills. Many people transition very easily off of the pill. In other cases, people experience a major resurgence of hormonal symptoms. This is what many refer to as Post-Pill Syndrome.

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The Seriousness of Missing & Irregular Periods

Our menstrual cycles are a window into our health, and they can be the first thing to go when we are having health issues. Whether your periods are missing completely or a little irregular, they deserve attention. One very common cause is functional hypothalamic amenorrhea.

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Natural Ways to Reduce Period Pain

Period pain is common, but it shouldn’t be something that disrupts your daily life. There are many ways to reduce period pain and it all starts with identifying the root cause. In the mean time, these are four effective ways to reduce period pain naturally.

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Living In Sync With Your Cycle

The concept of cycle syncing may sound new, but really it has been around for millennia. Over the course of one month, our hormones fluctuate, and those fluctuations affect us in many different ways, from endurance to productivity. When we tap into our flow, we are able to best support our body.

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The Unknown Dangers of Intermittent Fasting

You’ve probably heard of intermittent fasting. There is plenty of research to back up the health benefits, but it is important to remember that fasting affects men and women very differently. Fasting can actually have multiple negative effects on women by disrupting their hormonal health.

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Treating The Root Cause of PCOS

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, or PCOS, is one of the most common health conditions in women of reproductive age. It is often recognized for its effect on fertility, but this syndrome can cause a plethora of symptoms ranging from acne and weight gain to irregular cycles and excessive hair growth. The key to feeling better is identifying and treating the root cause!

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