Posts in Stress
A Functional Approach to Gut Dysfunction & IBS

The topic of gut health can sometimes feel like a buzzword, but the reality is that so many of us are dealing with chronic digestive issues. It can look different for everyone, but any combination of frequent constipation, diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, and bloating is a sign from our bodies that there is dysfunction. After a full workup with a gastroenterologist sometimes we are left with more questions than answers. That is where an functional approach to gut dysfunction can be essential.

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Healing Burnout & Chronic Stress

If we’ve learned anything over the last few years, it is that burnout is very real. We all experience burnout a little differently. For some it is physical, and for others it is mental and emotional. What remains the same for everyone is this feeling of reaching our threshold, where our stress response is maxed out. Chronic stress has a big impact on our bodies, but the good news is that there are ways to support the body to heal from burnout.

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Wellness Book Club: The Joy of Movement

Movement is a foundational aspect of health. We all recognize and feel the physical and mental benefits of movement, often attributing it to endorphins. Kelly McGonigal writes all about the mental aspect of physical activity in her book The Joy of Movement. This book is a fascinating read, filled with the latest research that you can bring into your daily life whether you have an ongoing movement practice or are still redefining what joyful movement means to you.

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The Root Cause of Hair Loss

Hair loss and hair thinning can be one of the most personal and distressing health concerns among those in my office. For many of us, hair represents femininity. Although we may not notice it, we may even hold our own inherent biases about “lush” and “beautiful” hair. This is all to say that hair is often at the core of our identity. It is how we express ourselves. And hair loss can disrupt that.

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Cultivating Mindful Self Compassion

If we have learned anything over the past few years, it is that we need to take time to care for ourselves. Of course this includes taking time for our favorite self-care activities, but it also encompasses speaking kindly to ourselves. Long walks and bubble baths can be wonderful, but they mean nothing if we are criticizing ourselves shortly after. This is where self compassion comes in.

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The Impact of Mental Health on Digestion

Have you ever been anxious, nervous or stressed out and noticed your digestive system acting up? Our mental and emotional health is tightly connected to our digestive health. Supporting your mental health is an important piece of the puzzle when treating digestive concerns like IBS.

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How Gardening Benefits Your Body, Mind & Soul

In our modern world, many of us suffer from a “nature deficit”. We need to get out in nature more to support our mental and physical health! Gardening is just one of those ways to support our mind, body, and soul.

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