Posts in Sleep
Soft Self Care: How Morning Sunlight Changes Your Body

Soft self care is a concept that I have been embracing a lot over these last few months when life has felt especially complicated and challenging. One of the most simple and transformative self care practices we can do is morning sunlight exposure. It seems simple but it affects our circadian rhythm, sleep quality, mood, mental clarity, and stress.

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Healing Burnout & Chronic Stress

If we’ve learned anything over the last few years, it is that burnout is very real. We all experience burnout a little differently. For some it is physical, and for others it is mental and emotional. What remains the same for everyone is this feeling of reaching our threshold, where our stress response is maxed out. Chronic stress has a big impact on our bodies, but the good news is that there are ways to support the body to heal from burnout.

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Medicinal Teas for Your Pantry

What I love most about tea is how accessible it is. Most grocery stores have a great selection of teas that are both tasty and medicinal. In this article, we are going to chat about some of my favorite teas to keep in your pantry so that you have a little extra support for those sleepless nights, stomach aches, and sore throats.

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The Impact of Mental Health on Digestion

Have you ever been anxious, nervous or stressed out and noticed your digestive system acting up? Our mental and emotional health is tightly connected to our digestive health. Supporting your mental health is an important piece of the puzzle when treating digestive concerns like IBS.

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