Posts in Skin Health
The Root Cause of Hair Loss

Hair loss and hair thinning can be one of the most personal and distressing health concerns among those in my office. For many of us, hair represents femininity. Although we may not notice it, we may even hold our own inherent biases about “lush” and “beautiful” hair. This is all to say that hair is often at the core of our identity. It is how we express ourselves. And hair loss can disrupt that.

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An Integrative Approach to Acne

If you’ve ever dealt with skin issues, then you are surely familiar with the frustration and upset that typically follows. Our minds often become burdened with thoughts surrounding the state of our skin. Not only that, but we are also left questioning why is this happening. Acne is not as simple as a bacterial issue. Acne can be caused by many different things, which is why it is important to take an integrative approach.

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The Great Milk Debate: Dairy & Non-Dairy

The topic of dairy is weirdly polarizing. Many of us go back and forth trying to find the very best option: whole milk, skim milk, almond, oat, cashew, soy, coconut…the list goes on and on. When it comes to choosing dairy vs. non-dairy, the biggest factor to consider is your own personal health, and of course any personal beliefs. There is no good or bad option, just what is best for you.

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