Posts tagged gut health
A Functional Approach to Gut Dysfunction & IBS

The topic of gut health can sometimes feel like a buzzword, but the reality is that so many of us are dealing with chronic digestive issues. It can look different for everyone, but any combination of frequent constipation, diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, and bloating is a sign from our bodies that there is dysfunction. After a full workup with a gastroenterologist sometimes we are left with more questions than answers. That is where an functional approach to gut dysfunction can be essential.

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An Integrative Approach to Acne

If you’ve ever dealt with skin issues, then you are surely familiar with the frustration and upset that typically follows. Our minds often become burdened with thoughts surrounding the state of our skin. Not only that, but we are also left questioning why is this happening. Acne is not as simple as a bacterial issue. Acne can be caused by many different things, which is why it is important to take an integrative approach.

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The Impact of Mental Health on Digestion

Have you ever been anxious, nervous or stressed out and noticed your digestive system acting up? Our mental and emotional health is tightly connected to our digestive health. Supporting your mental health is an important piece of the puzzle when treating digestive concerns like IBS.

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How Gardening Benefits Your Body, Mind & Soul

In our modern world, many of us suffer from a “nature deficit”. We need to get out in nature more to support our mental and physical health! Gardening is just one of those ways to support our mind, body, and soul.

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