Posts tagged nutrition
Leaning Into Seasonal & Intuitive Nutrition

Sometimes it can be easy to forget that everything in nature is cyclical. The tides ebb and flow, the moon waxes and wanes, and the seasons shift. We, as people, are not immune to these changes. Even though we live modern lives, our bodies are affected by these natural rhythms in many ways. When it comes to cyclical nutrition, all it takes is noticing your environment, trusting your body, and embracing your traditions.

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Supporting Our Oceans Through Food

The Gulf of Maine is being affected by climate change at 3x the rate of the global average. Despite all of our conservation and environmental efforts, we are being affected due to the currents. Our oceans are becoming warmer and more acidic. But there are ways that we can fight climate change and reduce these effects, just by eating to support the oceans.

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The Unknown Dangers of Intermittent Fasting

You’ve probably heard of intermittent fasting. There is plenty of research to back up the health benefits, but it is important to remember that fasting affects men and women very differently. Fasting can actually have multiple negative effects on women by disrupting their hormonal health.

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