Treating The Root Cause of PCOS

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, or PCOS, is one of the most common health conditions in women of reproductive age. It is often recognized for its effect on fertility, but this syndrome can cause a plethora of symptoms ranging from acne and weight gain to irregular cycles and excessive hair growth. To learn more about the basics of PCOS symptoms and diagnosis, visit this blog post.

When it comes to diagnosing PCOS, we use the Rotterdam Criteria. For a diagnosis, you must have 2 out of 3:

  • Irregular Menstrual Cycles or Delayed Ovulation

  • Signs of High Androgens (acne, facial hair, excessive body hair, or thinning hair)

  • Polycystic Ovaries

With this diagnostic criteria, PCOS can look very different in each patient. This is why a personalized treatment approach is essential for those with PCOS. With an individualized approach, your provider will identify and treat the root cause of your symptoms. So, let’s chat about the four most common root causes of PCOS! And remember, most times we need to address multiple different things in creating a whole-body treatment plan.

Insulin Resistant PCOS

Insulin resistance is the most common cause of PCOS, accounting for nearly 70% of cases. With this type of PCOS, it is very common for patients to experience significant blood sugar dysregulation, increased weight gain, and of course, insulin resistance. If this is a concern of yours, it is worth having your doctor check your hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), which is a measurement of your average blood sugar over the past 2-3 months.

The imbalance of blood sugar will often lead to increased androgens, thus causing worsening symptoms of acne and hair growth. When it comes to treatment, the primary focus needs to be placed on reducing insulin resistance and improving insulin sensitivity. To learn more on this, visit this blog post! The big takeaway is that there are so many options! The basic wellness foundations of diet, exercise, and lifestyle should always be addressed. Then, additional supplements and herbal protocols can be put in place when working with a naturopathic doctor, like me! As always, each individual is different, so treatments will differ from person to person. The important thing to remember is that healing is possible.

Post Pill PCOS

For women that have developed PCOS symptoms since stopping birth control, we often think of post-pill PCOS. Birth control is effective because it suppresses ovulation, but for some people, ovulation can be delayed even after stopping the pill. These patients will often have irregular periods soon after discontinuing birth control, as well as elevated androgens, which cause symptoms of acne and excessive hair growth. For these patients, blood sugar is normal. Treatment methods can vary for this, but most naturopathic doctors focus on balancing hormones and optimizing detox. Usually, this is temporary, and symptoms resolve within month 1-2 years.

Inflammatory PCOS

Sometimes your hemoglobin A1c is completely normal and you haven’t recently stopped birth control. In these cases, we have to look at other potential causes, one being inflammatory. In inflammatory PCOS, patients will have signs of chronic inflammation. This includes things like fatigue, digestive issues, frequent headaches, and joint/body aches. When it comes to treatment, we need to target inflammation. By reducing inflammation, you will then see an improvement in symptoms! It is also important to remember that cortisol, our stress hormone, can worsen inflammation, so always work to reduce stress.

Adrenal PCOS

Similar to other causes, with adrenal PCOS, we see elevated androgens. But interestingly, we only see an elevation in DHEAS (dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate). Testosterone is completely normal and insulin resistance is not present. With this presentation, we have to emphasize normalizing the stress response.

Root Cause PCOS, Four Types of PCOS, Naturopathic Medicine, Naturopathic Doctor Dr. Hannah Freeman Smith, Portland, Maine, Natural Holistic Healing of PCOS.png

About the Author

Dr. Hannah is a naturopathic doctor providing whole body adjunctive healthcare to patients in Maine and Massachusetts. She believes every patient has their own unique health journey, which influences her personalized treatment approach. She has a passion for helping women, mothers and families heal and thrive, all while uncovering the root cause of whatever ails them. Her goal is to empower and guide her patients on the path towards healing the mind, body and soul through natural methods of healing. Dr. Hannah sees patients locally in Portland, Maine. Through telehealth, she is happy to serve the people of Lewiston, Ellsworth, Belfast, Bangor, and all the towns in between! She now sees Massachusetts patients through telehealth as well!


The information provided on or through this website is for educational and informational purposes only. This information is not a substitution for proper and personalized medical diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or trusted healthcare provider before making an adjustments or changes to your healthcare regimen. Natural medicine is not inherently harmless, and therefore it is important to speak with your healthcare providers for personalized medical advice.