Warming Socks for Winter Wellness

It's that time of year again, except, now not only is it cold and flu season, but we are also in the middle of a pandemic. Now, it is more important than even to support our immune system! There are so many ways to do this, but the simplest and most cost-effective ways is by doing the Warming Socks Treatment, also known as Magic Socks or Wet Socks. This treatment involves taking a warm shower or bath, then putting cold, wet socks on your feet and going right to bed. When you wake up, the socks will be dry. It seems simple, but it is an effective method for stimulating the immune system, especially in young children. It is best to do this treatment as soon as you begin noticing acute symptoms. You may then repeat this treatment for 2-3 days as part of your integrative treatment plan.

Let’s Talk Physiology

The Warming Socks Treatment works by stimulating constriction and dilation of the blood vessels. When warm feet are exposed to the cold socks, the body reacts by reflexively constricting blood vessels, but then throughout night as your feet begin to warm up, these blood vessels dilate. The constriction and dilation of these vessels cause a pumping action that results in increased circulation within the blood and lymphatic vessels. Not only does this result in stimulation of the immune system, but it also helps to reduce congestion in the head, sinuses and upper respiratory tract.

When To Use The Warming Socks Treatment

  • Headaches & Migraines

  • Upper Respiratory Infections (colds, flus)

  • Nasal Congestion

  • Sinus Infections

  • Coughs & Sore Throats

  • Fever

Be sure to consult your doctor if you have circulatory problems, diabetes, poor wound healing or a compromised immune system.


  • 1 pair of thin cotton socks

  • 1 pair of thick wool socks

  • Ice water

  • Towel


  1. Soak a pair of thin cotton socks in ice cold water. Then thoroughly wring the socks out, so that they are damp, not dripping.  

  2. Take a hot shower, bath or foot bath for 5-10 minutes to warm up. This is very important for supporting circulation and the desired pumping action. 

  3. Dry off your feet and body with a dry towel. 

  4. Place the cold wet cotton socks on your feet, then cover with a pair of dry thick wool socks. 

  5. Snuggle up into bed to avoid getting chilly and go to sleep. Leave these socks on overnight and remove upon waking.

Wet Socks for Winter Wellness Dr. Hannah Freeman Cove Natural Medicine Portland Maine Naturopathic Medicine.png

About the Author

Dr. Hannah is a naturopathic doctor providing whole body adjunctive healthcare to patients in Maine and Massachusetts. She believes every patient has their own unique health journey, which influences her personalized treatment approach. She has a passion for helping women, mothers and families heal and thrive, all while uncovering the root cause of whatever ails them. Her goal is to empower and guide her patients on the path towards healing the mind, body and soul through natural methods of healing. Dr. Hannah sees patients locally in Portland, Maine. Through telehealth, she is happy to serve the people of Lewiston, Ellsworth, Belfast, Bangor, and all the towns in between! She now sees Massachusetts patients through telehealth as well!


The information provided on or through this website is for educational and informational purposes only. This information is not a substitution for proper and personalized medical diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or trusted healthcare provider before making an adjustments or changes to your healthcare regimen. Natural medicine is not inherently harmless, and therefore it is important to speak with your healthcare providers for personalized medical advice.