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The Seriousness of Missing & Irregular Periods

You may have noticed this already, but periods are a big topic around here. This is because our menstrual cycles are a window into our health, and they can be the first thing to go when we are having health issues. Whether your periods are missing completely or a little irregular, they deserve attention. The first step is figuring out why your period is off, and then we can start working on how to fix it. In this blog post, we will chat about one of the most common reasons for missing periods, known as functional hypothalamic amenorrhea.

Identifying Root Cause of Missing Periods

In recent years, the menstrual cycle has become known as the fifth vital sign, meaning that our periods are a key indicator of our health. Therefore, missing and irregular periods tell us that the body needs more attention and support. Below are the top causes of missing periods. As you can see, there can be multiple causes, so having a proper workup with your healthcare provider is a necessary step.

Top five Causes of missing periods

  1. Pregnancy

  2. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

  3. Functional Hypothalamic Amenorrhea (FHA)

  4. Thyroid Dysfunction

  5. Hyperprolactinemia

More On Functional Hypothalamic Amenorrhea

Before we dive into the details of FHA, let’s first talk about the dangers of missing periods, otherwise known as amenorrhea. Unfortunately, just 6 months of amenorrhea can lead to long-term health effects, such as an increased risk for cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis. This is why a regular menstrual cycle is so important. In a normal cycle, periods are caused by fluctuations of sex hormones, but sometimes, these sex hormones are lacking. In FHA, there is a lack of sex hormones, which leads to a suppression of the menstrual cycle. Ultimately, the reproductive hormonal system shuts down and the body is unable to have a cycle. This lack of sex hormones is most commonly due to a lack of energy, calories, or dietary fats. Below are the top four causes of FHA.

Top Four Causes of FHA

  1. Over Exercising

  2. Disordered or Restrictive Eating

  3. Weight Loss

  4. Stress

A Note on Teens

FHA is very common in teens, especially athletes. If you are involved in a young person’s life, be sure to keep an eye out for over-exercising, restrictive eating, and even perfectionist-like tendencies. These traits affect many young people today. For more information, see this blog post.

Steps to Restoring Your Period

The first step to restoring irregular or missing periods is always determining the root cause. Once other causes have been ruled out, then the healing process can begin. Of course, every person and treatment plan is different, but we always begin with foundational wellness. Let’s take a look!

Nourishing Foods, Free of Restriction

Our bodies need adequate calories and fats to produce the hormones necessary for a period. Without those things, a period just isn’t possible. This is why nutrition is a cornerstone in the treatment of FHA. In order to restore periods, it is necessary to eat frequently. Dietary fats like olives, avocados, oils, nuts, seeds, and fatty fish are especially important. The ultimate goal is to honor your hunger and avoid restriction.

Gentle & joyful Movement

Exercising is great, but too much of it can have a negative effect on the body, especially on the menstrual cycle. Overexercising is one of the most common causes of FHA. This can be seen in all forms of exercise, but it is particularly common in long-distance running, hot yoga, and other high-intensity activities. In order to restore normal periods, it is recommended to reduce physical activity. Gentle movements and decreased intensity are useful in reducing the amount of stress on the body.

Stress Management

The nervous system and the hormonal system are tightly connected, so too much stress can negatively affect the menstrual cycle. You may have noticed in the past that during a stressful time, your period may have been late by a few days or a week. This is completely normal, and biologically, it is our body’s way of saying “now just isn’t the right time to conceive”. Prolonged stress, however, can cause the period to disappear entirely. This is when it becomes concerning. Stress management is a great tool to begin restoring the menstrual cycle. Some of my favorite stress management recommendations include the Emotional Freedom Technique, meditation, nature therapy, and journaling.

Emotional Support

Our emotional body is just as important as our physical body. In addition to stress management, overall emotional support is always something that should be considered. This can be taking time to slow down and to turn inward, or it can be a time for reaching out to your support system. Your naturopathic doctor may also have their own toolkit for assisting with your emotional health.

If you are a Maine resident and in need of menstrual cycle support, then consider scheduling your free discovery call to connect and discuss your options!

About the Author

Dr. Hannah is a naturopathic doctor providing whole body adjunctive healthcare to patients in Maine and Massachusetts. She believes every patient has their own unique health journey, which influences her personalized treatment approach. She has a passion for helping women, mothers and families heal and thrive, all while uncovering the root cause of whatever ails them. Her goal is to empower and guide her patients on the path towards healing the mind, body and soul through natural methods of healing. Dr. Hannah sees patients locally in Portland, Maine. Through telehealth, she is happy to serve the people of Lewiston, Ellsworth, Belfast, Bangor, and all the towns in between! She now sees Massachusetts patients through telehealth as well!


The information provided on or through this website is for educational and informational purposes only. This information is not a substitution for proper and personalized medical diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or trusted healthcare provider before making an adjustments or changes to your healthcare regimen. Natural medicine is not inherently harmless, and therefore it is important to speak with your healthcare providers for personalized medical advice.